Mrs. Wetmore and Mrs. Wentworth held a "Mystery Skype" with students at the Pentagon School in Brazil! #yeslearns #mysteryskype
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
mystery skype
It's the fourth grade salmon project release day! Great work by our students and teachers. Thank you again to YEF for their support of this authentic learning experience! #yeslearns #yarmoutheducationfoundation
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
3-D printing is up and running in third grade this week. Thank you YEF! #yeslearns #3Dprinting #yarmoutheducationfoundation
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Thank you to our parents and the PTO for sponsoring a breakfast feast this morning! #feelingappreciated #supportixeparents
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
What a wonderful surprise this morning! Thank you Nini Emmons and HMS students! #staffappreciation #happytechers
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
We love pur YES teachers! #yeslearns #staffappreciation
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Happy Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week!
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Teacher Appreciation
Students were moving, grooving and having fun at communiy meeting for All Students Exercise Simaltaneously (ACES)Day! #yeslearns #acesday
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Happy Superhero Lunch Day! Thanks for all you do! #yeslearns #lunchladiesrule
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Mrs. Troy had the chorus stretch their voices outside today. They sounded amazing! #yeslearn
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Amazing drumming in second grade today! #yeslearns
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Third grade students joined the Earth Day cleanuo today! Look at that cleanup crew! #yeslearns #earthdayfun
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Earth Day teamwork by our second graders at recess this week! Thank you for making a difference! #yeslearns #earthday
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Earth Day
Congratulations to our YES education foundation winners! We will now have a 3-D printer and classroom sets of binoculars for our students. Thank you YEF for all your support! # yeslearns # innovation
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
3-D Printer
Look Closely!
Congratulations to Ms. Pachuta, Yarnouth Education Foundation Teacher of the Year! #yeslearns #proudteacher
over 6 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Spirit Week is April 2-6! Monday: Inside Out Day – wear your clothes inside out! Tuesday: Yarmouth Pride Day – wear your Clipper colors or gear! Wednesday: Hat Day – wear your favorite or craziest hat! Thursday: Rainbow Day – wear as many bright colors as you can! Friday: Beach Day – wear your best beach attire (no bathing suits please)!
almost 7 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
YGT K-4 encore performance this afternoon! Great to have Rowe School with us at YES! #yeslearns
almost 7 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
Great presentation by Mrs. Wolinsky, Owen Advani, Josh Webber and Sally McGrath at the school committee meeting last night! #yeslearns #empoweringstudents
almost 7 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School
SC presentation
SC Presentation
K-4 teachers had a collegial professional development experience sharing and learning about technology practices Monday. #yeslearns #empowerment
almost 7 years ago, Ryan Gleason
Exciting presentation by US Fish and Wildlife & the Passamaquoddy tribe today. Our 4th graders are becoming Salmon experts! #yeslearns
almost 7 years ago, Yarmouth Elementary School