Mrs. Wetmore and Mrs. Wentworth held a "Mystery Skype" with students at the Pentagon School in Brazil! #yeslearns #mysteryskype
It's the fourth grade salmon project release day! Great work by our students and teachers. Thank you again to YEF for their support of this authentic learning experience! #yeslearns #yarmoutheducationfoundation
3-D printing is up and running in third grade this week. Thank you YEF! #yeslearns #3Dprinting #yarmoutheducationfoundation
Thank you to our parents and the PTO for sponsoring a breakfast feast this morning! #feelingappreciated #supportixeparents
What a wonderful surprise this morning! Thank you Nini Emmons and HMS students! #staffappreciation #happytechers
We love pur YES teachers! #yeslearns #staffappreciation
Happy Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week!
Students were moving, grooving and having fun at communiy meeting for All Students Exercise Simaltaneously (ACES)Day! #yeslearns #acesday
Happy Superhero Lunch Day! Thanks for all you do! #yeslearns #lunchladiesrule
Mrs. Troy had the chorus stretch their voices outside today. They sounded amazing! #yeslearn
Amazing drumming in second grade today! #yeslearns
Third grade students joined the Earth Day cleanuo today! Look at that cleanup crew! #yeslearns #earthdayfun
Earth Day teamwork by our second graders at recess this week! Thank you for making a difference! #yeslearns #earthday
Congratulations to our YES education foundation winners! We will now have a 3-D printer and classroom sets of binoculars for our students. Thank you YEF for all your support! # yeslearns # innovation
Congratulations to Ms. Pachuta, Yarnouth Education Foundation Teacher of the Year! #yeslearns #proudteacher
Spirit Week is April 2-6!
Monday: Inside Out Day – wear your clothes inside out!
Tuesday: Yarmouth Pride Day – wear your Clipper colors or gear!
Wednesday: Hat Day – wear your favorite or craziest hat!
Thursday: Rainbow Day – wear as many bright colors as you can!
Friday: Beach Day – wear your best beach attire (no bathing suits please)!
YGT K-4 encore performance this afternoon! Great to have Rowe School with us at YES! #yeslearns
Great presentation by Mrs. Wolinsky, Owen Advani, Josh Webber and Sally McGrath at the school committee meeting last night! #yeslearns #empoweringstudents
K-4 teachers had a collegial professional development experience sharing and learning about technology practices Monday. #yeslearns #empowerment
Exciting presentation by US Fish and Wildlife & the Passamaquoddy tribe today. Our 4th graders are becoming Salmon experts! #yeslearns