January 24, 2022

Dear YES Families,

I am writing to let you know that this afternoon we are sending the school iPads home with all of our students. As we shared earlier this school year when there is the possibility of weather that may impact travel we will be sending the devices home for the night. We have already had our two traditional snow days this winter and will be transitioning to "remote snow days" when necessary. The YES Remote Snow Day Plan provides an overview of the schedule for remote days.

Just to be clear I am not saying we are having a remote snow day. The weather forecast for tomorrow does not appear to be substantial but "just in case" we are sending the iPads home. Unless we have an actual remote snow day, the iPads should stay in the sleeve in their backpack. If the remote snow day does not occur, then the iPads should come back to school with students the next morning. 

As always, if you have any questions please let me know. Thanks!


Ryan Gleason, YES Principal