Yarmouth Elementary School and Rowe School will be having a flu vaccine clinic on October 1st 2021. We will be partnering with Northern Light Home Care & Hospice to provide this clinic to our students DURING SCHOOL HOURS. Please click on the link below and complete the consent form by Wednesday 9/29/2021.
You must type something into all highlighted fields, so please use N/A if the field doesn’t apply to your family.
Although the vaccine is provided at no charge, there is a cost to administer the vaccine. Please include accurate insurance information. Children presenting with an incomplete form will not receive their vaccine.
There is no out of pocket cost and those without insurance will be vaccinated with the
appropriate form completed.
You will be notified if there is a change in the planned dates of school flu clinics.
The Vaccine Information Sheets are included in the link after the consent form. Please
take a minute to read these. If you need a translated form or are unable to complete an electronic form, please let the school nurse know and a paper copy will be sent home.
All clinics will have injectable vaccines.
For more information about flu and the vaccine click: HERE or call: (Maine CDC) at 1-800-867-4775, Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5 pm.
For questions about the vaccine clinics at our school, please call your school nurse:
Rowe: Jennifer Chadwick jennifer_chadwick@yarmouthschools.org (207)846-3771
YES: Alison Thomson alison_thomson@yarmouthschools.org (207)846-3391
Please be sure to complete and return the Health Screen & Permission form!