May 31, 2020

Dear YES Families,

As we enter the month of June we begin to wind down our 2029-20 school year. This will be our last week of new learning. The week of June 8 will focus on end of year closure/wrap up, transitioning and fun! All activities, including Field and Step Up Day will occur through Seesaw. As shared previously here is an updated outline of that last week. 


Monday, June 8: YES and Rowe Virtual Field Day!

Thank you to our SHARE Unified Arts team for putting together such a fun and innovative way for our students to celebrate the end of the year. 

Tuesday, June 9: Step Up Day!

At 8:30 am all of our students, including those going on to grade five, can view a message and activity from their 2020-21 teacher. 

Wednesday, June 10 and Thursday, June 11: Last Two Days

Students will be engaged in wrapping up the year with their teachers.


As I shared previously, curbside drop off of iPads, chargers, library and classroom books will take place on June 15 and 16 between 9 am and 1 pm. Just to clarify, if your child is scheduled to participate in Extended School Year (ESY) this summer they should keep their iPad for the summer. 


After I shared the information on the upcoming drop off days I received several emails asking when student materials can be picked up. A reminder that we are not able to provide a pickup of those items until later on this summer. Teachers have not been able to access the building for much of the spring and they are needed to identify and organize these items. Asbestos abatement is in full swing in all classrooms right now while all those items have been stored by our custodial staff. Once that process is complete we will organize a way to schedule getting these items back to you. 


Each summer our reading and math lead teachers, Sarah Perle and Rachel Clark, provide information on opportunities to keep your children engaged in each area over the summer months. Please see the following links for more information:

YES Summer Reading 2020           YES Summer Math 2020


A message from YEF: A fun and tasty way to support the Yarmouth Education Foundation! Oysters grown by Yarmouth students are now available for sale.  YEF funded a hugely successful school and community partnership known as the Yarmouth Shellfish Nursery. It is led by 7th grade teacher and Rowe/YES parent Morgan Cuthbert. One piece of this project had students working with a local oyster farmer to research and test the best places to grow oysters in Casco Bay. Students raised oyster seeds in the YEF Shellfish Nursery on the banks of the Royal River. From there, students transplanted them into the ocean. The oysters are now full grown and ready for sale!  Thank you to Mr. Cuthbert, Madeleine Point Oyster Farms, and all of the students and volunteers who worked so hard on this project. The oysters can now be purchased through a partnership with the Maine Oyster Company. Learn more and place your order here:


Here is my last update of the school year. The construction crew continues foundation and deep underground plumbing work. They have poured some of the gym footings along with the elevator pit. The area in the back of the school has been tabled for the three future modular classrooms that will be used for the next two years. Also, there is a nice view of the bike path leading to the back of the new gym location. All photos can be seen on the YES Construction Slideshow.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or if we can support your child in any other way. Have a great week!


Ryan Gleason, YES Principal